an intimate, interdisciplinary gathering for communal change makers and leaders dedicated to creating
a future worth living for

25—28 August 2022, Chorin, near Berlin

Join us

We meet in an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural group, working together towards a future worth living for.

For four immersive days of community-led workshops, talks, and experiences, supported by movement practices and meditation.

A program that meets our minds, bodies, and hearts - let’s exchange, cross-pollinate, be inspired and strengthen our collective network.

25—28 August 2022

Haus am See
Chorin near Berlin

What is the future we want to live for?

How does it express itself through us today and tomorrow?

The program evolves around these central questions that are translated into the different themes of the days. It consists of workshops, lectures and panels supported by movement practices and meditation - all offered and held by the participants of the gathering. Additionally there are open spaces that serve as rooms for spontaneous exchange, discussions and other get-togethers.

We are excited to shape the future with you as it unfolds in every moment through us, our projects, and our communities.

Why now?

Humankind and its systems are at a turning point: the dominant Western paradigm of separation, sharp individualism, everlasting growth, and a culture based on competition are expiring. Part of our collective answer is to reorient towards the potential and richness of communities: structures that empower individuals to sound their unique note in order to unfold the harmonic beauty and power of a group.


For an interconnected,
co-creative and communal world

We invite you

seasoned community leaders, scientists, web3 natives, decentralisation experts, creatives, somatic abolitionists, spiritual beings, permaculture enthusiasts, technologists, and the next generation of communal beings to share your wisdom and knowledge


The Future is Now Gathering is for those who hold leadership positions in existing communities or are currently initiating community projects.
Community projects can be anything from co-living communities, eco-villages, web3 projects, DAOs, spiritual communities, tight-knit online groups, to value-based organisations.

We have very limited spots available and value quality over quantity for our gathering.

We invite you, if you want to feel and involve yourself in an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, communal web!

We invite you, if you want to research our cross-project and cross-community shared vision and values!

We invite you, if you want to support the global web that emerges between us all!


The program is held by people who are part of the gathering itself, blurring the lines between facilitators and participants. This is a peer-to-peer experience. We are in it together. An expert in one area will be a student in another.
If you feel called to hold a workshop, lecture or session, please submit your proposal through this form.


An important part of this gathering is the particular taste and the unique opportunity of an interdisciplinary field - connected through the commitment to build a more beautiful world together.

We invite us to pop out of our existing bubbles to get inspired, and broaden our horizons of what is possible. This is an opportunity to get exposed to topics and approaches we wouldn’t consider otherwise, to take on another perspective even just for a moment, or be completely surprised by other people’s solutions for something you have been trying to figure out.

What happens when poets meet crypto-visionaries meet social justice warriors? What comes out of a meeting of political activists, scientists, and land-based community builders?
We aim to cross-pollinate and expand what we deem possible so far.

This is at the core of The Future is Now as we believe in a future where the architecture and communal inquiries can be artistic, where the economic systems can be compassionate and sustainable, and where each of us holds an important puzzle of the whole.


Costs, Tickets & Sponsorship

We aim to make The Future is Now as accessible to all participants as possible. We offer two ways to support the gathering financially - buying a ticket and acting as a sponsor. 

Any surplus income from the gathering is donated to projects that align with The Future is Now’s vision of a more connected and co-creative world.

A limited number of helper tickets are available. By supporting the on-site activities you can receive a reduced rate for your stay. Please add a note in the application form.

More info about tickets, costs, and the venue can be found here.

Sponsor The Future is Now

Sponsors allow participants with fewer financial means to join The Future is Now. We received a matching sponsorship of 5000 EUR - each EUR sponsored/donated will receive 1 EUR from this sponsor up to 5000 EUR matched. If you want to donate or sponsor our gathering, please reach out. Any sponsorship income that goes above covering our costs for the event will be directed toward other initiatives and projects that are in alignment with FIN’s vision. If you want to contribute above the normal ticket prices or want to further discuss sponsorship opportunities, please send a message to to connect.

We are glad to be supported by the great folks at ReFiSpring, who offered help to include traditionally marginalized or underrepresented folks in our gathering.

Align your money with your values